London, North London and Wimbledon Branches were our thoughtful hosts at High Leigh.
Our speakers

Elly Nott

Helena Talbot Rice

Cheryl Knight
Elly spoke about "Women's Health in Conflict: Challenges and hope in NW Syria" and the work of the David Nott Foundation. For instance, did you know that postpartum haemorrhage has a 95% death rate in Pakistan compared to 0.05% death rate in the UK?
Helena told us about the work of St Christopher's in a talk entitled "Making a difference at the end of life". She left us with two thoughts: "Wherever you are, your home is a gym" and "What matters to you?"
Cheryl Knight treated us to her talk entitled "Discovering Joy(ce)" about Joyce Grenfell. With several much loved monologues. Her First Flight rendition was very moving. To see Joyce herself doing this piece, click HERE

Our service was led by Reverend Elinor Delaney and the sermon given by Reverend Emily Kollveit. They gave us a great service and the added joy was that both are members of our Fellowship.
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