A recent highlight has been the very amusing and interesting talk by the BBC Sports Presenter, Gary Richardson. He delighted us with highlights from his 48 year career. This year we have had 3 very successful early evening suppers and talks in a village hall to which husbands are invited.
Our branch is divided into 8 ‘Twig’ groups which meet socially once or twice a term. It is a great way to keep in touch when you are a large branch.
We meet fortnightly in the term time and in between our meetings we regularly go walking together taking it in turns to choose a route. We of course always end up at a pub for lunch!
In the Spring this year we visited Chawton House, visited often by Jane Austen, as it became the home of brother, Edward. Jane’s mother and sister Cassandra are buried in the churchyard.
We celebrated the Jubilee and life of the Queen.
Click HERE to see last month’s spotlight featuring Twickenham.